Our records show your account is still using the @edumail.vic.gov.au email domain. Given the change to this email domain in 2020, we suggest it would be a good idea to update this to your new @education.vic.gov.au email address.
Please note, we are making this request to try and prevent duplicate accounts being created. For instance if you were added to one of our subscription products by another teacher and they used your @education.vic.gov.au email address, it would create a new account. We will not be using your new email address for marketing purposes.
Please select a valid division and rep.
Please select a learning consultant to send this request to.
Your request has been submitted to your learning consultant. You will hear back from us shortly.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact your learning consultant here.
We already have your email address registered as an instructor. Logging in will enable you to access electronic resources instantly.
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For use in:
To set a Consultant, you must first be logged into your user account.