Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions | 12th Edition

Walter Nicholson/Christopher Snyder
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Copyright 2017 | Published
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MindTap Economics, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Nicholson/Snyder's Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions

ISBN-13: 9781305629028
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About This Product

Present today’s most cutting-edge treatment of microeconomics with the proven market leader -- MICROECONOMIC THEORY: BASIC PRINCIPLES AND EXTENSIONS. Now even better, this 12th edition offers a level of mathematical rigor ideal for upper-level undergraduate or beginning graduate students. This edition provides clear, accurate coverage of advanced microeconomic concepts while illustrating how theory applies to practical situations Readers work with theoretical tools, real-world applications, new behavioral economics problems, and the latest developments in microeconomics. The book’s unique presentation even helps build student intuition with highly-acclaimed, two-tier end-of-chapter problems that begin with simple numerical/mathematical exercises followed by more analytical, theoretical, complex, and behavioral economics problems. Key figures from the book now appear as interactive Progression Graphs in the all-new online MindTap for Microeconomic Theory.