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Cengage offers a range of tools and services tailored exclusively to booksellers. Login or Signup to see your bookseller discount, view live stock on hand information and order online using your bookseller account. 

Please note that our higher education catalogue has moved to a new website,, for our lecturers and students. However for booksellers, remains as the website for purchasing all our products, including our higher education range. To see our higher education catalogue you first need to sign into your bookseller account. Once signed into your bookseller account our higher education range will be searchable via the search bar at the top of every page.

Bookseller files

Schools Files

Pricelist Files, updated weekly

Download our Schools Price Lists to view ISBN, Title, RRP, Edition and Carton Quantity information for Primary and Secondary titles distributed by Cengage. Additional downloads are also available in ONIX format. Price lists are updated every Monday morning and are GST inclusive.

Primary Price List(Excel)      

Secondary Price List (Excel) 


ONIX Files, updated weekly


Schools (Primary and Secondary) Product File (ONIX)  

All Titles Product File (ONIX)  

What is ONIX?


ONIX is an XML-based standard for rich book metadata, providing a consistent way for publishers, retailers and their supply chain partners to communicate rich information about their products. It is expressly designed to be used globally, and is not limited to any one language or the characteristics of a specific national book trade. For additional information about ONIX, please contact our Customer Support Team

Static Files, produced for each year


Frontlist titles (including old editions they have replaced), and all other titles that are now Old Editions, are available to download here in Excel. This list is updated annually and is made available each April.

2024/2025 SECONDARY Frontlist with previous ISBN (Excel)


Download our Secondary Digital pricelist here. This list is updated annually and is made available each May.

2024/2025 SECONDARY Digital Pricelist(Excel)

OE List, updated twice yearly


This list updated bi-annually with titles that have new editions. New edition ISBNs can be found in column L.

OE March 2024 (Excel)


Nelson access codes

If you do not have a bookseller account on nelsonnet to order access codes (IAC) – please contact our Customer Support Team

Higher Education Files

Our higher education catalogue has moved to a new website,, for our lecturers and students. However for booksellers, remains as the website for purchasing all our products, including our higher education range. To see the University & VET catalogues you first need to sign into your bookseller account.


Download our HED Price List to view ISBN, Title, RRP, Edition and Carton Qty information for Higher Education titles distributed by Cengage. Additional downloads are also available in ONIX format. All price lists are updated every Monday morning and are GST inclusive.

HED Price List (Excel)                                      HED Digital Titles (ONIX)                               HED Print Parent of Digital (ONIX)               HED eBooks & VitalSource (ONIX)                

An ONIX file is also available should you wish to download title data for all Cengage titles available to booksellers.

All Titles Product File (ONIX)                        

What is ONIX?


ONIX is an XML-based standard for rich book metadata, providing a consistent way for publishers, retailers and their supply chain partners to communicate rich information about their products. It is expressly designed to be used globally, and is not limited to any one language or the characteristics of a specific national book trade. For additional information about ONIX, please contact our Technical Support Team

1 July 2023 Price Review


A price review is being implemented across the Higher Education division (University and VET), effective 1 July 2023. All new orders released will reflect the new prices as of this date. Existing backorders will not be impacted by any price increases. Cengage has taken steps to minimise price increases particularly in relation to locally published products.

1 July 2023 Price Review

Static Files, produced for each Semester


New editions lists for Semester 1 2025 and Semester 2 2024 are available to download here in Excel, these are not updated each week but are created for each semester.

HED New Editions S1 2025 (Excel)

HED New Editions S2 2024 (Excel)                


Conditional Exemption Our conditional exception list is available to download in excel format. This is updated monthly. For a detailed explanation of conditional exemption and how it affects you, please you can download a copy of our info sheet here

Conditional Exemption Titles (Excel)             
English Language Teaching
All Cengage ELT titles are distributed exclusively by Bookery. Please forward all your ELT queries and purchase orders directly to Bookery at:

Tel: 03 9417 9500




How to embed our cover images on your website

Method 1:-
To pull in the highest quality cover image we have, please use the format, e.g.
Advantages: You will get the image in the highest quality we have and in its original aspect ratio.
Disadvantages:You will need to create the method to resize the image to your specifications on your page. You will also need to be able to handle the different aspect ratios of our images. Please note as a general rule our Secondary & Higher education images have aspect ratios of roughly 0.7 to 0.9. If you are displaying our primary reader products some of those have much wider aspect ratios, roughly 1.2 to 1.4


Method 2:-
To receive the image already set to a specified width, but with original aspect ratio retained, please use the format, e.g.
Advantages: You may not need to resize the image on your site and it will be in the original aspect ratio.
Disadvantages:You will need to accommodate images of different heights in your web pages. Please note as a general rule our Secondary & Higher education images have aspect ratios of roughly 0.7 to 0.9. If you are displaying our primary reader products some of those have the same 'normal' aspect ratio range but much of the range also has wider aspect ratios, roughly 1.2 to 1.4


Method 3:-
To receive the image already set to a specified width & height, please use the format, e.g.
Advantages: You will not need to resize the image on your site.
Disadvantages:We have images with various aspect ratios. If you hard code an image with exact dimensions, where those exact dimensions do not match the original aspect ratio, the image will not be displayed in full (rather than provide very distorted images, our image server will trim the image from the height or width if the original aspect ratio is exceeded by a certain percentage). This method is only recommended if you are going to individually check each image.


If an invalid ISBN is requested, or we don't yet have a cover image for a product we will return a 'no image' image in the specified dimension

If original image files are required, please contact us and specify the product set you need this for - e.g. The division (Primary, Secondary, Higher Education, Library Reference) and / or any other particulars that identify the product set you need original image files for.

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