Our records show your account is still using the @edumail.vic.gov.au email domain. Given the change to this email domain in 2020, we suggest it would be a good idea to update this to your new @education.vic.gov.au email address.
Please note, we are making this request to try and prevent duplicate accounts being created. For instance if you were added to one of our subscription products by another teacher and they used your @education.vic.gov.au email address, it would create a new account. We will not be using your new email address for marketing purposes.
You must first logout before you can change your location setting. Do you wish to logout?
Subscription type
Student Licences
Book Access
$ per
Student Licenses
Total cost (incl. GST)
only 10 of your students will be retained from your trial. Please purchase 30 or more student licenses for all students to be retained.
Enter email address of a colleague or department (i.e. Finance) to request payment. An email with a link will be sent to them to complete the purchase.
It only takes a couple of minutes to sign up. Once we’ve validated your details, you’ll be able to access your discount online and take advantage of many other tools and services.
When you sign up to our online ordering service, you will receive:
Step 1 - Create Your eCommerce Account
Simply click on the 'sign up' link below and fill out your details.
Be sure to select "Tertiary and Vocational resources" and "Bookseller" in the right hand menu options as indicated.
Do not be concerned if you do not identify yourself as a bookseller, this will not affect nature or function of your account.
Step 2 - Ask us to link your account
To let us know you've created an eCommerce account and you'd like it to be linked to your trading account, click on the 'Apply Now' button which appears on the next screen.
Step 3 - Fill out your account details
On the next page, fill out your institution details. Don't worry if you don't have all the information to hand, we can fill in the blanks if necessary. Once you've submitted your request, our accounts team will verify your details and link your account. This normally takes around 24-48 hours.
You will receive an email notification as soon as this has been done.