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The quality books you love are available digitally for flexible use in the classroom or at home.
What is Nelson Decodable Readers Digital?
An online phonics library and student management system, featuring 210 decodable readers, 96 decodable Story Books and 82 One-Word Readers
Enhance fluency and tailor learning with recorded reading
Monitor student progress through recorded readings to gain valuable insights into decoding skills, and fluency and phrasing with Record Reading. Provide personalised support for students, explicitly targeting identified challenges to help students in their phonics progression.
Start your free trial now
Hear words sounded out
Develop your students' phonemic awareness and phonics skills with our Read Aloud function. Simply by clicking on a word, students can hear the word clearly sounded out and broken down into its separate phonemes, a critical component of the systematic, synthetic phonics approach.
Try it in your classroom
Create engaging and customised writing experiences for every student
With Text Editing, educators can create a dynamic and interactive learning environment with whole-class writing activities that engage students in shared, guided and modelled writing experiences. Educators and students can edit and replace text, draw pictures and annotate, tailoring the reading experience to suit specific needs and interests.
Elevate your teaching with a free trial
Students become active participants in their learning journey
By creating personalised My Words lists, students actively participate in their learning journey. Foster a sense of ownership and engagement by enabling students to build targeted phonics word lists, using the audio functionality to deepen their phonics knowledge while also working on vocabulary and comprehension.
Expand your teaching power with access to extra phonics eBooks
Our additional One-Word Readers serve as a crucial starting point for phonics instruction, laying the foundation for phonics skills development, while our Decodable Story Books offer valuable opportunities for extension to students who have mastered the taught code.
Access hundreds of titles instantly
All Premium features, with:
All Starter features, plus:
Subscribe to Nelson Decodable Readers Digital Premium and you can add the eCollection at 50% off.
Start every year equipped with a comprehensive, year-long reading program that supports every student, at every stage. With natural language readers and an in-depth student management system, you’ll have everything you need to support every reader, from foundation to fluent.
To take advantage of this offer, renew an existing eCollection premium subscription or purchase a new one. You will automatically receive a discount code for your 12-month subscription to the eCollection*.
* Your unique renewal code will be valid for 30 days. Your code can be used to buy a new subscription, renew an existing subscription or convert a trial into a premium subscription. For renewals, the offer is only available on subscriptions with less than 6 months remaining.
Nelson Decodable Readers
In-depth research into early child language acquisition, in line with science of reading research, informed the Nelson Decodable Readers phonic progression that incrementally and systematically builds students' phonics ability.
This progression incorporates a strong focus on brain development research – in particular, 'the reading brain' and child language development – with a specific focus on 'speech sounds' and their various representations in print form.
More information on the research underpinning Nelson Decodable Readers can be accessed here.
Yes, a Phonics Scope and Sequence and a Spelling and Morphology Scope and Sequence can be accessed here.
As with many decodable reading programs, Nelson Decodable Readers follows a carefully developed Scope and Sequence. Most programs have small differences in the order in which they introduce phoneme-grapheme correspondences. You can correlate Nelson Decodable Readers to other decodable programs by downloading the Nelson Decodable Readers Scope and Sequence document here.
Yes, the Nelson Decodable Readers align with the requirements of the Australian Curriculum: English V9.
Nelson Decodable Readers Sets 1–14 are developed for students in the first two years of primary school.
Digital Platform
With fiction and non-fiction books available, these 210 carefully sequenced decodable texts enable students to become skilled and confident readers.