Levelled Exemplar Cards
The Levelled Exemplar Cards provide carefully levelled fiction and non-fiction texts for guided and independent reading practice with a wide range of text types and text forms. There are six copies of 27 different cards in each Nelson Literacy Directions Box Set. Each Levelled Exemplar Card focuses on a core comprehension skill, which is labelled on the front of the card and reflected in the Strategy to Skill questions that are provided on page 6 of each card. The questions encourage readers to use various core comprehension strategies with the focus skill. Answers to the Strategy to Skill comprehension questions are available in the lesson plans on the Teacher's Resource USB.
Exemplar Digital Texts Software
The Nelson Literacy Directions Comprehension Exemplar Digital Texts software is designed for modelling the use of the core comprehension strategies and skills via whole-class explicit instruction. There is an Exemplar Digitial Text for each of the key text types. Functionality includes text editing, annotations and note-making.
The Exemplar Digital Texts software is available on USB and at nldcomprehension.com using an individual access code for use on internet-connected computers and tablet devices.