Our records show your account is still using the @edumail.vic.gov.au email domain. Given the change to this email domain in 2020, we suggest it would be a good idea to update this to your new @education.vic.gov.au email address.
Please note, we are making this request to try and prevent duplicate accounts being created. For instance if you were added to one of our subscription products by another teacher and they used your @education.vic.gov.au email address, it would create a new account. We will not be using your new email address for marketing purposes.
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Subscription type
Student Licences
Book Access
$ per
Student Licenses
Total cost (incl. GST)
only 10 of your students will be retained from your trial. Please purchase 30 or more student licenses for all students to be retained.
Enter email address of a colleague or department (i.e. Finance) to request payment. An email with a link will be sent to them to complete the purchase.
Nelson Maths is crafted to give teachers the flexibility they need in implementing the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics, Australian Curriculum for NSW: Mathematics or Victorian Curriculum: Mathematics, and to cater for differing classrooms and student needs.
Each student book features:
The Teacher’s Resource Book is a valuable teaching tool for every teacher. The books feature:
Nelson Teaching Objects (NTOs) add another dimension to implementing a dynamic maths lesson and reinforce student understanding of key mathematical concepts.
The NTOs:
The Nelson Maths Building Mental Strategies Big Books support children in their first, second and third years of school in the development of sound mental strategies that will work for them in a variety of contexts. The Big Books can be used in conjunction with the Nelson Maths: Australian Curriculum F–3 student books.
The Nelson Maths Building Mental Strategies Skill Books are four write-in workbooks which support the learning and development of mental strategies in the areas of counting, place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
We've developed three correlation charts showing how Nelson Maths Victoria, Nelson Maths NSW and Nelson Maths AC align to the new Australian Curriculum v9.0.
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