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Fast Forward factual texts support the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities in the Australian Curriculum. The Science titles support some content from sub-strands of the Australian Curriculum: Science. A number of the Social Studies titles support some content from the Australian Curriculum: History, Geography, Economics and business, Civics and Citizenship, Technologies, The Arts and Health and Physical Education.
All Fast Forward titles support the Australian Curriculum: English. To see how specified Fast Forward titles support the Australian Curriculum refer to the Nelson Primary Literacy Catalogue.
Fast Forward has been developed for students in the middle years experiencing difficulty with literacy. These students may be from non-English speaking backgrounds, experiencing learning difficulties, they may be disengaged or simply require further reading practice. Whatever the reason, Fast Forward aims to engage and increase reading ability and confidence by appealing to the student's interest level and reading level.
The Fast Forward Fiction Books provide a variety of different styles and genres that appeal to students aged 9 to 14. Each features compelling storylines and clearly defined characters – some of whom recur throughout the series.
The Fast Forward Factual Books have all the components commonly found in factual books, such as contents pages and an index. Visual communicators such as timelines, graphs and fact boxes are used to deliver or further explain information.
Discover how Fast Forward can be used as intervention with one student. The book featured is Experimenting with Magnets, a Level 19 non-fiction report text.
See how a small group of students navigate Fast Forward title Walking on the Moon, a Level 15 non-fiction recount text.
+The term ‘support’ used in reference to resources supporting the Australian Curriculum indicates resources that pre-date the Australian Curriculum, and therefore are not written to the Australian Curriculum. However, they do contain content that meets elements of the content descriptions, general capabilities and/or cross-curriculum priorities and can therefore be used as resources for implementation.