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Throughout their reading development, students need to be exposed to texts with a range of complexity. The Australian Curriculum National Literacy Learning Progression includes five levels of text complexity: simple, elementary, moderately complex, complex and highly complex.
The simplest form of continuous texts includes simple, predictable sentences that are linked to form a cohesive text. Vocabulary includes familiar nouns, common adjectives and high-frequency words. Can include repeated patterns, images that support meaning, simple structure and plot.
Elementary texts mainly follow a predictable structure, but do not necessarily contain repetitive sentences. Includes learning area-specific vocabulary, a large core of high-frequency words, descriptive language, a range of sentences, some implicit or inferred meaning, and images that enhance the meaning of the text.
Moderately complex texts include texts of variable length, such as chapter books and longer illustrated texts. Text structure relates to different text types, such as informative or persuasive texts, and includes complex sentences with subordinate phrases and clauses. Vocabulary includes technical and learning area-specific words and phrases.
Texts of varying length include topics and ideas from a range of sources and allow for subtle inference and implicit meaning. Vocabulary includes some complex figurative language, sentences that use a range of tenses and include a range of complex punctuation used for effect.
Longer texts with complex topics and sophisticated characters and concepts, allowing for several layers of inferential and evaluative meaning. Texts include extensive technical and learning area-specific vocabulary as well as figurative and evaluative language that reflects author point of view.