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Aboriginal Societies, Land and Colonisation | p. 4 Connection to Country | p. 5 British Colonialism | p. 6 Australia From 1788 | p. 7-8 The Changing Environment | p. 9 The Frontier Wars | pp. 10-11 The System of Protection | pp. 12-13 Survival | p. 14 Aboriginal Workers | pp. 15-16 Assimilation: To Live Like White People | pp. 17-18 Early Leaders and Campaigns | p. 19 Poverty and Inequality in the Twentieth Century | p. 20 Campaigns in the 1960s | pp. 21-22 Indigenous Action for Indigenous Rights | pp. 23-24 Moving Forwards, Moving Backwards | p. 25
Mission Days | pp. 26-27 Black Power and the Aboriginal Embassy | pp. 28-29 Edward Koiki Mabo | pp. 30-31 Two Important Speeches for Reconciliation | pp. 32-33 The First Tasmanians | pp. 34-35
What Is Culture? | p. 36 First Nations Australians | p. 37 Cultural Impact of Invasion | p. 38 Cultural Blindness | pp. 39-40 Stereotypes and Cultural Change | p. 41 Cultural Differences | p. 42 Languages | pp. 43-44 The Dreaming | p. 45 The Torres Strait Islands and Religion | p. 46 Land, Island, River and Sea | p. 47 Oral Storytelling | p. 48 Art | p. 49 Literature | p. 50 Music and Dance | p. 51 Mistakes and Misunderstandings | p. 52
Stereotypes | pp. 53-54 K’gari: the Creation of Fraser Island | pp. 55-56 Respecting Culture | pp. 57-58 Travelling with Aunt | pp. 59-60 Hip-hop and Rap: Telling Our Stories | pp. 61-62
Artists | pp. 73-74 Civil Rights: Fighting for Equality | pp. 66-67 Heroes of the Frontier Wars | pp. 64-65 Introduction | p. 63 Land Rights Leading the Way | p. 68 Political Leaders | pp. 69-70 Role Models: Breaking New Ground | pp. 71-72 Young Achievers | pp. 75-76
Contemporary Indigenous Art | pp. 81-82 Douglas Grant | pp. 79-80 Fighting for Country: Aboriginal Resistance Leaders | pp. 77-78 Indigenous Media | pp. 85-86 Our Mobs, Our Stories | pp. 83-84