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Fast Forward audio-assisted reading is recommended after your students have read the Fast Forward written text. Students can listen to the audio reading and practice reading the text along with the recorded voice. Fast Forward audio-assisted reading provides an excellent model of fluent reading whereby students can learn how a reader's voice, using fluency, phrasing and expression, can help written text make sense.
Files below are to accompany the Fast Forward Independent Reading texts.
Level 6
The Very Hungry Mosquito Animal Habitats Animal Senses At the Market
Level 7
Tiger! Cultures Different Cultures, Different Foods Surfing
Level 8
Escape from the Cyclops Cattle Farms Snail Farms Wet and Dry
Level 9
Dad and Dan go Skateboarding Cars of the Future Looking at Space Stars
Level 10
Molly and the Band A World Without Cars Surviving a Tornado Trains
Level 11
Slam Dunk Sand The Human Body The World Wide Web
Level 12
The Mammoth Trap Park Rangers Parks Save Water
Level 13
Time Travel! When in Rome Dinosaur Scientists Street Art Subcultures
Level 14
Thor’s Hammer Alternative Energy Plants Think Global, Act Local
Level 15
Company Business Climate Change Refugees Global Warming The Space Race
Level 16
Bonnie’s Game Making Movies The Story of Hollywood The Three Gorges Dam
Level 17
You Wish! Carbon Trading Fish The Great Barrier Reef
Level 18
Lucky Break Medieval Medical Care The Great Plague of London Weather
Level 19
All Shook Up Life in Ancient Rome Life in Unusual Places Volcanoes
Level 20
You Never Know Bushfire Ready Famous Pharaohs Life in Ancient Egypt
Level 21
The Story of Icarius Free Trade GM Foods Rainforests
Level 22
Run for your Life Antibiotics and Vaccines Drilling for Oil Germs
Level 23
Noah’s Secret Cell Science Gladiators The Ideas and Beliefs of Ancient Greece
Level 24
The Great Pharaoh’s Secret Box Race to the South Pole Research in Antarctica Space Tourism
Level 25
Out of this World Nuclear Energy Skyscrapers The Channel Tunnel