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Which option is right for you?

For Schools

All Premium features, with:

  • Maximum 30 students
  • 30-day trial period
For Parents


  • 210 Decodable Readers
  • 82 One-Word Readers from Nelson Phonics-in-a-Box
  • 96 Decodable Story Books from Nelson Phonics-in-a-Box
  • Listen to books and words read aloud
  • Independent reading mode
$90 / per year
For Schools

All Starter features, plus:

  • Add words to MyWords
  • Record own reading
  • Edit text, draw and annotate
  • Group and custom reading modes
  • Access to Student Management Website
  • Unlimited teacher accounts
$10 / per student / per year*
*minimum 10 students

PM eCollection subscription

PM eCollection is a guided reading solution featuring 550 individual eBooks


Choose the subscription that suits you