1. What can Nelson’s Professional Development Program do to support school improvement?
There are numerous ways that Nelson’s Professional Development Program can support your school improvement agenda.
Our highly experienced consultants can work with your leadership team to:
- Interpret school data and develop a professional learning agenda
- Develop a professional learning program to meet your school's strategic plan, addressing school goals and priorities
- Match professional development to school-based projects such as Middle Years literacy, Boys and Literacy, Differentiation in the Classroom
and engaging students in their learning
- Link theory and research to classroom practice through modelling and demonstration of best practice in a classroom setting
- Develop strategic actions with professional learning teams involving action research, coaching, modelling and reflection
2. What areas of Professional Development are available?
Our aim is to build the capacity of all teachers and leader to improve learning outcomes for all students. The focus for professional learning will be developed through discussion and strategic planning with school leaders to ensure that learning goals of the participants are met.
Some broad outline of training and development possibilities are:
- Explicitly Teaching Writing
- Comprehending Text
- Guided Reading
- Critical Literacy
- Boys and Literacy
- Spelling
- Phonological Awareness
- Visual Literacy
- Planning for Literacy Learning – Putting the Literacy Block Together
- Engaging Reluctant Readers & Writers
- Assessment to inform Literacy Teaching
- Literacy Leadership
- Literacy Demands of the Curriculum
- Grammar in Context
- Oral Literacy
- Literacy in the Early Years
- Literacy in Demands of Mathematics
- Explicitly Teaching Mathematics
3. How flexible are the sessions?
Sessions are customised to your school or cluster groups needs.
Sessions can be:
- Single-school sessions
- Group sessions for local schools or networks
- Full-day sessions
- Half-day sessions
- Short sessions (two hours either during school hours or after school)
- Ongoing, throughout a year or term(s)
4. What are the costs associated with training and development?
Full Day Session (9am- 3pm)
Half Day Session (3 hours)
After School Session
(2 hours)
Session costs include:
* All training materials and notes for each participant
* School resources
* All travel costs and accommodation for presenter
Prices are for a maximum of 60 participants. Additional participants: $35 per person. Other session lengths may be negotiated.
5. We are a small school. How could we access PD?
Many small schools use their networks in order to access quality professional learning. This may take the form of cluster days, network PD or professional learning teams. You may wish to invite neighbouring government, Catholic or independent schools to share the learning and expertise.