Unit 1: What is science?
Unit 2: Inquiring with science
Unit 3: Classification
Unit 4: Ecosystems
Unit 5: Pure and impure substances
Unit 6: Separating substances
Unit 7: Our place in space
Unit 8: Renewable and non-renewable resources
Unit 9: The water-cycle
Unit 10: Forces
Neil Champion is a secondary physics teacher at Buckley Park College and has held numerous school leadership positions in State and Independent schools, including Principal. Neil has taught university level physics and physics teaching method for pre-service teachers, and was the VCAA Science Manager.
Elizabeth McKenna has been involved in many aspects of science education for the past 15 years. From 1998-2009 she taught to HSC level in NSW schools, and she has been an HSC marker in Chemistry. Elizabeth has worked as a science consultant reviewing content for the leading online study skills company ELES. Since 2012, Elizabeth has been contracted to Sydney Water as a science education consultant where she is responsible for writing and delivering syllabus-linked excursion programs on water treatment for Stage 6 Chemistry, Senior Science and Earth and Environmental Science.
Easy to use in the classroom
Visually appealing full-colour design
Each unit begins with an overarching unit question linked to one of the overarching ideas
Hands-on investigations and activities build, reinforce and consolidate Science Inquiry Skills
Development of Higher Order Thinking skills embedded within activities and text
Technology and Web 2.0 activities embedded within activities and text
Questions throughout text and end of unit classified using Bloom’s taxonomy.