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Find everything you need for teaching Secondary Health and PE, Australia-wide with a focus on maximising students' learning achievements
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Strengthen students' key skills to enhance their own physical and mental health and wellbeing
Emphasise key concepts, including health, wellbeing and respectful relationships are contemporary and relevant to encourage student participation
Provide teachers with a mix of print, digital and blended resources to suit any classroom
Dynamic PDHPE is written for the existing Stage 6 PDHPE Syllabus and features a fresh, up-to-date, rigorous approach.
Dynamic PDHPE for Preliminary
Student Book
Learn more
Dynamic PDHPE for HSC
Written for the NSW Stage 6 Study Design, this full-colour, easy-to-read text meticulously covers the Study Design’s three core modules: Pregnancy and Childbirth, Child Growth and Development and Promoting Positive Behaviour.
Nelson Community and Family Studies: Preliminary and HSC
Community and Family Studies
HSC Workbook
Preliminary Workbook
This second edition meets the New South Wales Board of Studies Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation Content Endorsed Course Stage 6 Syllabus 2000.
Nelson Physical Education for VCE provides a complete teaching and learning solution designed to engage and support VCE Physical Education students. Written to comprehensively support the revised VCE Physical Education Study Design (2025-2029), the new edition has been informed by our expert author team’s deep expertise, up-to-date research, and evidence-based pedagogical approaches to learning and assessment.
Explore the series
Nelson Physical Education VCE Units 1 & 2
Student Book + Nelson MindTap
Nelson Physical Education VCE Units 3 & 4
Nelson Outdoor and Environmental Studies VCE Units 1-4 5ed aligns explicitly with the new VCE Outdoor and Environmental Studies Study Design (2024-2028), which has undergone major revision. This Student Book guides students through the key knowledge and skills in each Area of Study to support them through the practical and theoretical demands of the course.
Nelson Outdoor and Environmental Studies
The new edition of Fit for Life explicitly aligns with the Victorian Health and PE curriculum and brings a practical and inquiry-based approach.
Fit for Life AC 7 & 8
Fit for Life VIC 7 & 8
Fit for Life VIC 9 & 10
Fit for Life: Health and Physical Education for the Australian Curriculum has been explicitly aligned with the revised Australian curriculum: Health and PE and brings a practical and inquiry-based approach.
Fit for Life AC 9 & 10
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