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Find everything you need for teaching Secondary Humanities, Australia-wide with a focus on maximising students’ learning achievements
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Differentiated content and examples provide students with multiple pathways to success for Humanities
Provide students with multiple pathways to explore and develop their skills
Provide teachers with a mix of print, digital and blended resources to suit any classroom
Nelson Modern History revolves around the idea that History is an interpretive study of the past by which we develop an understanding of the making of the modern world.
Germany 1918-1945
Student Book
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The Changing World Order
The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East
The Industrial Revolution
The Enlightenment
Civil Rights in the United States of America
The Age of Imperialism 1848 – 1914
Women's Movements
The USA 1900 – 1945
Australia 1918 – 1950s
A Globalised World
Russia and the Soviet Union
China and Revolution
Recognition and Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Closely aligned with the NSW Stage 6 Modern History syllabus this series includes exam style questions, in-text and whole book glossaries, information boxes, diagrams and timelines, biographical studies.
World War 1
Power and Authority in the Modern World
Investigating Modern History
Conflict in Europe 1935-1945
The World Order 1945-2011
Russia and the Soviet Union 1917 - 1941
The Cold War 1945 - 1991
The American Civil Rights Movement 1945 – 1968
Conflict in Indochina 1954 - 1979
Republic to Reich
Nelson Essential History Skills, second edition, has been updated to meet the requirements of the Australian Curriculum: History. It allows students to learn and practise essential history skills, while introducing key terminology and research skills with relevant accompanying resource material.
Nelson Essential Geography Skills introduces essential geography terms, map skills, graphing techniques, field work and surveying skills; and is in full-colour to make the study of maps and other geographical images clearer.
Nelson Society and Culture: Stage 6, third edition, retains all the features you valued in previous editions, while offering brand-new focus studies, rich features, chapter reviews and extensive digital resources.
This book is written specifically for students studying Philosophy and Ethics Courses, in accordance with School Curriculum and Standards Authority guidelines. It will guide teachers through the difficult process of coming to terms with how best to deliver the new course.
Philosophy and Ethics: Year 11 General
Philosophy and Ethics: Year 11 ATAR/Year 12 General
Philosophy and Ethics: A Resource for Year 12 ATAR
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