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Find everything you need for teaching Secondary Business, with a focus on maximising students' learning achievements
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Enable students to understand business and economic decisions at personal, local, and national levels
Develop key skills to help students identify and investigate key business issues and events
Provide teachers with a mix of print, digital and blended resources to suit any classroom
Commerce: Inquiry and Skills has been written to explicitly align with the new Commerce Years 7–10 syllabus in NSW and address the most recent changes in the economy, the law and the political arena.
Learn more
Legal Dictionary for Australians, third edition is an invaluable reference tool for students and teachers of legal studies, business and politics.
The new A+ VCE Business Management Study Notes is written by a well-trusted and experienced teacher and past VCAA assessor and provide comprehensive revision and exam support.
A+ VCE Business Management Practice Exams provide detailed and authentic exam practice and comprehensive solutions with hints and important insights to help students achieve exam success.
A+ VCE Legal Studies is complete with comprehensive summary notes, exam practice questions, updated subject content and new legal cases, and case studies to ensure students have access to the most recent exam materials.
Nelson Business for QCE explicitly addresses the new QCAA Business general senior syllabus and unit objectives using the inquiry approached valued in the syllabus.
Explore the series
Business for QCE: Units 1 & 2: Creation and Growth
Student Book + Nelson MindTap
Business for QCE: Units 3 & 4: Diversification and Growth
Written by a trusted and experienced author team, Accounting: An Introductory Framework provides explicit coverage of the QCAA Accounting general senior syllabus to develop and consolidate students’ key knowledge and skills tailored to support exam success.
Accounting: An Introductory Framework Units 1 & 2
Accounting: An Introductory Framework Units 3 & 4
Economics for the Real World equips teachers to create an empowering learning experience enabling students to excel in QCAA Economics.
Economics for the Real-World Units 1 & 2
Economics for the Real-World Units 3 & 4
A revision and exam preparation guide is a brand-new study guide written by the authoritative team behind the Business for QCE series and is designed to complement the student books.
This resource covers all content areas, with a specific focus on small business in Western Australia and applies these to a number of contexts. Real world examples are used throughout the text to highlight and clarify business concepts, which will aid teachers in guiding students.
Business Management and Enterprise
Year 11 General Student Book
Year 11 ATAR and Year 12 General Student Book
Year 12 ATAR Student Book
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