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Find everything you need for teaching Secondary Science, Australia-wide with a focus on maximising students’ learning achievements
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Encourage scientific exploration across Junior and Senior levels with scaffolded opportunities for students to engage with key concepts
Follow Science Learning Progression frameworks and teacher advice to support students’ science inquiry
Provide teachers with a mix of print, digital and blended resources to suit any classroom
Science in Focus: Stage 4 & Stage 5 equips teachers to create engaging learning pathways for all students. Written by a trusted and experienced team of science teachers and writers, this series is accessible and caters to all student abilities, promoting inclusive learning.
Explore the series
Science In Focus Stage 4
Student Book + Nelson MindTap
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Science In Focus Stage 5
The Science in Focus series meets the requirements of the NSW NESA Stage 6 Biology, Chemistry and Physics syllabi in intent, content and sequence. The student books have been written with accessible language and clear explanations of concepts throughout.
NEW IN 2024 - Biology in Focus Year 11
Chemistry in Focus Year 11
Student Book
Physics in Focus Year 11
Earth and Environmental Science in Focus Year 11
Biology in Focus Year 12
Chemistry in Focus Year 12
Physics in Focus Year 12
Earth and Environmental Science in Focus Year 12
The Science in Focus Skills and Assessment Workbooks help students build capacity to work scientifically, complete high-quality depth studies and succeed in formal school-based assessment and the HSC exam.
Biology in Focus Year 11
Skills and Assessment Workbook
Chemistry in Focus: Skills and Assessment Workbook Year 11
Physics in Focus: Skills and Assessment Workbook Year 11
Biology in Focus: Skills and Assessment Workbook Year 12
Chemistry in Focus: Skills and Assessment Workbook Year 12
Physics in Focus: Skills and Assessment Workbook Year 12
Investigating Science in Focus series is completely aligned with the new NSW Investigating Science Syllabus. The text is suitable for students studying Investigating Science as a stand-alone course or a companion course and features a student-centred approach with an embedded STEM approach.
Investigating Science in Focus Year 11
Investigating Science in Focus Year 12
Written and reviewed by expert teachers A+ HSC Biology Study Notes is a new study resource written to provide comprehensive revision and exam preparation support.
A+ HSC Biology Practice Exams is a new study resource perfect for revision and exam preparation. Directly aligned with the NESA HSC Biology Syllabus this resource contains 17 topic tests and two full HSC Biology practice exams.
Written and reviewed by expert teachers A+ HSC Chemistry Study Notes is a new study resource written to provide comprehensive revision and exam preparation support.
A+ HSC Chemistry Practice Exams is a new study resource perfect for revision and exam preparation. Directly aligned with the NESA HSC Chemistry Syllabus this new resource contains 13 topic tests and two HSC Chemistry practice exams.
Written and reviewed by expert teachers A+ HSC Physics Study Notes is a new study resource written to provide comprehensive revision and exam preparation support.
A+ HSC Physics Practice Exams is a new study resource perfect for revision and exam preparation. Directly aligned with the HSC Physics Syllabus this new resource contains 16 topic tests and two full practice exams.
Ag Tech Focus has been written from the ground up with comprehensive coverage of the NSW Stage 4 & 5 Agricultural Technology syllabus with a strong focus on sustainability, multiculturalism and technology, addressing the concerns and opportunities currently affecting Australian agriculture.
VICscience Biology is the complete solution to VCE Biology success! This innovative new edition of VICscience Biology Units 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 has been produced in partnership with Southern Biological.
VICscience Biology Year 11 & 12
Student Book + Workbook
VICscience Biology VCE Year 11
NEW IN 2024 - VICscience Biology VCE Year 12
VICscience Biology VCE Year 12
The VICscience Biology Logbook is every students' perfect companion to laboratory investigations and it will help make the organisation and authentication of school-based assessments stress-free.
VICscience Psychology engages students through experience and exploration of how people think, feel and behave using a biopsychosocial approach.
VICscience Psychology VCE Year 11
VICscience Psychology VCE Year 12
Psychology Research Methods is a combined theory book and workbook that develops the key science skills which permeate Units 1 – 4 in Psychology.
The A+ Biology VCE Study Notes Units 3 & 4 is written by expert Victorian teachers to be your easy to use, relatable and trustworthy study companion with complete sequential coverage of the essential examinable subject matter.
The A+ VCE Biology Practice Exams Units 3 & 4 is written by expert Victorian teachers to be your easy to use, relatable and trustworthy study companion with complete sequential coverage of the essential examinable subject matter.
A+ VCE Psychology Study Notes is written by an expert and trusted teacher. These in-depth study notes directly align with the VCE Psychology 2023 Study Design and provide comprehensive revision and exam support.
A+ Psychology VCE Practice Exams is written by an expert teacher and past VCAA assessor. Complete with essential examinable subject matter this book contains 10 topic tests and two full VCE Psychology practice exams.
Nelson Science for Queensland equips teachers to create engaging learning pathways for all students. Written by an experienced team of science teachers and writers, this series is accessible, comprehensive and focuses on incrementally building up science skills for years 7–10.
Nelson Science for Queensland Year 7
Nelson Science for Queensland Year 8
Nelson Science for Queensland Year 9
Nelson Science for Queensland Year 10
Written by a team of trusted QCE science teachers the new Nelson QCE Science series is a complete teaching and learning solutions designed to create successful QCE students. With a new focus on exam preparation and optimising learning outcomes, equips students with the necessary tools for exam success. Expose your students to a diverse range of question types that encourage connections between different syllabus topics and units.
Nelson QCE Biology Units 1 & 2
Nelson QCE Chemistry Units 1 & 2
Nelson QCE Physics Units 1 & 2
Nelson QCE Biology Units 3 & 4
Nelson QCE Chemistry Units 3 &4
Nelson QCE Physics Units 3 & 4
A+ Biology QCE Study Notes is written by expert Queensland teachers to be your easy to use, relatable and trustworthy study companion with complete sequential coverage of the essential examinable subject matter.
A+ Chemistry QCE Study Notes is written by expert Queensland teachers to be your easy to use, relatable and trustworthy study companion with complete sequential coverage of the essential examinable subject matter.
A+ Physics QCE Study Notes is written by expert Queensland teachers to be your easy to use, relatable and trustworthy study companion with complete sequential coverage of the essential examinable subject matter.
Nelson Science for Western Australia equips teachers to create engaging learning pathways for all students. Written by an experienced team of science teachers and writers, this series is accessible, comprehensive and focuses on incrementally building up science skills for years 7–10.
Nelson Science for Western Australia Year 7
Nelson Science for Western Australia Year 8
Nelson Science for Western Australia Year 9
Nelson Science for Western Australia Year 10
Biology WA ATAR (Units 1 – 4) meets the requirements of the Government of Western Australia, School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Syllabus (2017). The series uses an enquiry-based approach to enhance and deepen learners conceptual understanding and ability to apply their knowledge.
Biology WA ATAR Year 11
Biology WA ATAR Year 12
The Psychology WA ATA series supports students learning development while studying the Psychology ATAR course in Western Australia.
Psychology WA ATAR Year 11
Psychology WA ATAR Year 12
The series maintains all the features that teachers and students' value, including syllabus links at the beginning of each chapter, a variety of question types and practical activities.
Human Perspectives ATAR Year 11
Human Perspectives ATAR Year 12
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