Investigating Science in Focus Year 12 is completely aligned with the new NSW Investigating Science Syllabus. The text is suitable for students studying Investigating Science as a stand-alone course or a companion course, and features a student-centred approach with an embedded STEM approach. With scaffolded tasks throughout, the student book contains a flexible approach to depth studies enabling teachers, to engage with students individual areas of interest.
NelsonNet resources available*
Teacher Resources:
• Teaching programs
Student Resources:
• Worksheets
• Weblinks
• NelsonNetBook
*Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom. Contact your local education consultant for access codes and conditions.
Chapter 1: Working scientifically
Chapter 2: Preparing for a depth study
Chapter 3: Module 5 – Scientific investigations
Chapter 4: Module 6 – Technologies
Chapter 5: Module 7 – Fact or fallacy?
Chapter 6: Module 8 – Science and society
Dr Silvia Rudmann has been teaching for over 20 years. Firstly, at university and later in public high schools. Her passion for science and gifted education led her to complete her PhD in Biology and the GERRIC certificate in gifted education with the UNSW. She is currently working as a staff member and researcher at Aurora College (selective virtual school) teaching for the remote and rural education initiative. She is the lead author of the award-winning Nelson textbook series: Investigating Science in Focus, and she has developed the new syllabus and resources for the Biology Foundation Course for RMIT Melbourne. She is the digital consultant for the Nelson Science series and the author of Nelson’s Science Learning Progression Framework.
Kristin Ellard is a motivated science teacher who has worked with a variety of students, ranging from the gifted and talented to the disengaged.
Bill Matchett currently works as a science and executive teacher. He is an experienced author, HSC marker and has previously been a School Certificate.