Our records show your account is still using the @edumail.vic.gov.au email domain. Given the change to this email domain in 2020, we suggest it would be a good idea to update this to your new @education.vic.gov.au email address.
Please note, we are making this request to try and prevent duplicate accounts being created. For instance if you were added to one of our subscription products by another teacher and they used your @education.vic.gov.au email address, it would create a new account. We will not be using your new email address for marketing purposes.
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Student Licences
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only 10 of your students will be retained from your trial. Please purchase 30 or more student licenses for all students to be retained.
Enter email address of a colleague or department (i.e. Finance) to request payment. An email with a link will be sent to them to complete the purchase.
Find everything you need for teaching Secondary English, Australia-wide with a focus on maximising students' learning achievements
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Provide students with multiple entry points to practice and consolidate their Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking skills
Strengthen students' understanding of language, culture, and communication processes
Offer teachers a mix of print, digital and blended resources to suit any classroom
Focusing on language, literacy and literary, the English: General Western Australia, series has been written to provide students with the skills required for a broad range of post-secondary pathways.
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English Year 11
Student Book
English Year 12
English: ATAR series has been developed specifically for the English ATAR Western Australia course. This title aims to develop the skills necessary for success in Year 11 and 12 ATAR English.
English Year 11 ATAR
English Year 12 ATAR
Go Grammar! Workbooks focuses on the Language and Literacy stands of the curriculum to introduce key language conventions and skills. The workbook develops students’ skills in writing, reading and viewing, as well as speaking and listening to support students in preparation for NAPLAN language Convention testing.
Go Grammar! 1
Go Grammar! 2
Go Grammar! 3
Go Grammar! 4
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