Year 11
1 An introduction to working
scientifically and depth studies
Module 1: Properties and
Structure of Matter
2 Properties of Matter
3 Atomic structure and
atomic mass
4 Periodicity
5 Bonding
Module 2: Introduction to
Quantitative Chemistry
6 Chemical Reactions and
7 Mole Concept
8 Concentration and Molarity
9 Gas Laws
Module 3: Reactive Chemistry
10 Chemical Reactions
11 Predicting Reactions of
12 Rates of Reactions
Module 4: Drivers of Reactions
13 Energy Changes in Chemical
14 Enthalpy and Hess’s Law
15 Entropy and Gibbs Free
Introductory chapter contains worksheets targeting each working scientifically skill to ground student understanding and solidify best practice
Wealth of visual stimulus material to engage students
Carefully constructed exam-style questions clearly increase in difficulty to build student capability and encourage extension
Answers available at the end of each book promote independent learning, with worked solutions provided online for teachers.