Written for the NSW Stage 6 Study Design, this full-colour, easy-to-read text meticulously covers the Study Design’s three core modules: Pregnancy and Childbirth, Child Growth and Development and Promoting Positive Behaviour. The book also covers seven of the Study Design’s most popular optional modules, and includes the following features:
• Written by CAFS and food technology author Louise Weihen
• A range of questions, project-based tasks and practical activities for students to track their progress
• Up-to-date case studies to highlight real-world application
NelsonNet resources available*
Teacher Resources:
• Chapter PDFs
• Syllabus maps
• Teaching program
• Weblinks
*Complimentary access to NelsonNet is available to teachers who use the accompanying student book as a core resource in their classroom. Contact your local education consultant for access codes and conditions.
1 Pregnancy and childbirth
2 Childhood growth and development
3 Promoting positive behaviour
4 Learning experiences for young children
5 Play and the developing child
6 Starting school
7 The children’s services industry
8 Young children and the media
9 Children’s literature
10 Food and nutrition