Each book in the Access to Religion and Philosophy series provides a concise and readable introduction to a key area in religious studies and philosophy for A Level students.
This brand new title in the ATRP series covers the medical ethics content to support the revised 2008 A level specifications. It considers the ethical implications of crucial issues in medial ethics including eugenics, abortion, embryo research, cloning, assisted reproduction and the relationship between doctors and patients.
The title combines all the strengths of the ATRP series with a new design and features to make the content more accessible to all students in order to develop their understanding of the topic.
Features include:
- Key questions throughout the chapters to help students focus on the key issues
- Key terms defined and explained throughout the chapters
- Profiles of key individuals - their contribution and significance
- More summary diagrams throughout to aid revision
- Revision checklists at the end of chapters
- New exam-style questions and tips at the end of each chapter.
1. Doctors and patients
1. Doctors ethics
2. Conduct: confidentiality and privacy
3. Resources
4. Medical ethics and the law
Study Guide
2. Personhood and the value of life
1. What is a person?
2. Sanctity of life arguments
3. Quality of life arguments
Study Guide
3. Abortion
1. Women's autonomy and rights
2. The personhood problem
3. The law and abortion
4. Normative ethical responses to abortion
Study Guide
4. Euthanasua
1. A problem of definition
2. Ethics of suicide
3. The law on suicide and euthanasia
4. Normative ethical responses to abortion
Study Guide
5. Assisted reproduction
1. Infertility and the right to a child
2. Surrogacy
3. In vitro fertilisation
Study Guide
6. Embryo research
1. The reasons for embryo research
2. The law and embryo research
3. Normative ethical responses to embryo research
Study Guide
7. Gene therapy and the use of stem cells
1. Types of therapy
2. Risks and benefits
3. Genetic enhancement
4. Screening and knowledge
5. The use of stem cells
6. Normative ethical responses to gene therapy and the use of
stem cells
Study Guide
8. Organ transplantation
1. Organ transplant dilemmas
2. The law and organ transplantation
3. Receiving an organ.
4. Dead donors
5. Live donors
6. Commercial aspects of organ transplantation
7. Alternative organ sources
8. Normative eithcal responses to organ transplantation
Study Guide
9. Human cloning
1. Why clone?
2. The law and human cloning
3. Risks of cloning
4. Nature, human nature and free will
5. The use of animals: chimeras and hybrids
6. Normative ethical responses to human cloning
Study Guide
Further reading
Michael Wilcockson is an experienced author, examiner and teacher.
Designed be accessible to a wide range of post-16 students
Features such as definitions, summaries and exam tips to aid students' understanding, revision and essay writing techniques
Relevant in-depth coverage of of specific content in the revised A level specifications to help students access higher grades.