Complete Comprehension 1, 2 and 3 are three workbooks for junior and middle secondary English.
Complete Comprehension provides a consistent approach to developing and practicing the vitally important skill of reading with comprehension and responding to written and visual texts. This series acknowledges the importance of difference and diversity in texts and provides excellent models of a wide range of text types.
Each book has several units of work, each divided into the following sections:
On the Surface- Basic literal questions
Delving Deeper- Inferential or interpretive questions
Hidden Depths- Creative, critical or higher order thinking questions
Discoveries- Questions about the purpose, structure and features of the text
Extend Yourself- Open-ended questions that provide opportunities for students to respond by writing, viewing, listening and speaking.
Complete Comprehension provides writing scaffolds to assist students in developing their own texts. It also includes a system of ongoing assessment so that individual improvement can be recorded and monitored over time by both students and teachers.
Each workbook is accompanied by a Teacher Answer Book containing all the material from student workbooks, but with answers filled in where applicable.
1 Meeting the boy Narrative: The Blue Feather
2 To Castle Dracula Journal or diary: Bram Stoker''s Dracula
3 School camp Recount: Camp Scorcher
4 Dear friend Letters: Formal and informal letters
5 Understanding the dictionary Dictionary: The Australian Pocket Oxford Dictionary
6 Dialogue Narrative script: Aliwa!
7 Science experiments Procedure: Physical weathering of rocks
8 More science Explanation: Weathering and erosion of rocks
9 Meeting the Martians Narrative: Life on Mars
10 Using a thesaurus Thesaurus: Thesaurus excerpts
11 Computer games Book review: Blast masters
12 A lesson in history Description: Archaeology
13 My grandfather Poetry: ''I wish''
14 Australia''s history Historical report or recount: Completing the coastline
15 Map reading Map: Our continent
16 Living and dying Graph: 1985-1990 World birth and death rates
17 People everywhere Explanation: Population
18 The outcast Narrative: The Snow Goose
19 Promises, promises Advertisement: Thursday Plantation acne treatment products
20 Our rainforests Argument: Rainforest Action Network
21 Quiz time Procedure: Twenty questions
22 Our world Debate: Is humanity running out of resources?
23 Laugh out loud Cartoon: The Corrugated Iron Flag
24 News break Newspaper article: ''Weight weighs on kids''
25 Read between the lines Magazine article: ''Diet myths busted!''
26 Catch that train! Timetable: Melbourne train timetable
27 Going home Narrative: The Other Country
28 Connecting up Web page: Rainforest Action Network web page
29 The big screen Cinema program: Cityside Cinemas
30 Rating the movies Response: Rabbit Proof Fence
31 From the director Recount: ''Phillip Noyce - Rabbit Proof Fence director''
32 Signing up Form: Cityside Tennis Club membership application form
33 Not happy! Letter: Letter of complaint
34 What''s for lunch? Menu: Proposed school canteen menu
35 Cravings Procedure: BLT recipe
Merril Darling is an experienced English teacher of many years. A practising teacher, Merril is an author of the popular Complete Comprehension series.