The Nelson iScience NSW for the Australian Curriculum series has been designed in consultation with practising teachers from NS W schools. Authored by experienced teachers, this series captures the depth and scope of the NS W syllabus for the Australian Curriculum.
This series is designed for the 21st Century classroom, with the integration of Web 2.0 technology suggestions for students for investigating, analysing, summarising and presenting. Higher-order thinking skills, inquiry and student-centred learning are reinforced in every chapter through creative activities and questions that follow Bloom’s revised taxonomy. Teacher resources will be available to support each year level. These are available as a printed teacher book or as the full digital suite through NelsonNet.
Chapter 1 Responding, maintaining, surviving
Chapter 2 Defending ourselves: the immune system
Chapter 3 Interactions in ecosystems
Chapter 4 Atomic theory
Chapter 5 The chemistry of new substances
Chapter 6 Chemical reactions
Chapter 7 Waves
Chapter 8 Global patterns
Robert Farr is the Head of Science at Brigidine College in St Ives, Sydney and has been teaching and marking senior physics for 25 years in New South Wales schools. He has been on review panels for the current physics syllabus and has extensive experience as a marker, senior marker and supervisor in physics and chemistry. Robert graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree from the University of Sydney in 1982 and completed his Diploma of Education the next year. He has a Master of Arts, specialising in science education and school leadership, from MacQuarie University. Robert was a consultant and contributing author on the highly successful McGraw-Hill Biology in Focus series, especially in developing the approach to the Prescribed Focus Areas.
Anna Davis is the science coordinator at Casimir Catholic College. She is a past president of both the Science Teachers’ Association of New South Wales and the Australian Science Teachers’ Association. She was awarded the 2006 Prime Minister’s Prize for Excellence in Science Teaching in Secondary Schools.
Karen Lampman is an experienced science teacher, publisher and author. Besides teaching in Victoria, Karen has worked in the Natural History collection of Museums Victoria and as a field ecologist in three countries.
Bill Matchett currently works as a science and executive teacher. He is an experienced author, HSC marker and has previously been a School Certificate.
An appealing, simple, uncluttered design modelled on teacher input
Single column layout and short sentences for greater readability
Glossary terms in margins improves literacy
Outcomes and checklist provided for each topic to assist student-centred approach
Delivers fully integrated NSW syllabus content for the Australian Curriculum
An exciting downloadable or web-based NelsonNetBook with a variety of tools for annotating, highlighting and personalising
A NelsonNet website provides an extensive collection of tailor-made resources to reinforce concepts and enhance the delivery of the syllabus
ICT activities in each chapter
Digital workspaces for student answers