It doesn’t get any more comprehensive than this for success in VCE Biology 3&4! With a competitive price, this pack includes ALL of our products for the VCAA VCE Biology Study Design (2022-2026). Perfectly aligned, the VICscience Biology Units 3 & 4 Student Book and printed VICscience Biology Units 3 & 4 Skills Workbook are scaffolded to build skills in stages, and access to free resources are also included via NelsonNet.
Sarah is a Senior Research Fellow, leading a medical research team at Monash University. Sarah completed her PhD at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute and has held research positions at esteemed institutes including Harvard Medical School and Trinity College. Sarah has experience in teaching classes and running lab practicals for senior secondary students and teachers and was a medal-winning member and the Acting Director of the Australian International Biology Olympiad Teams.
Tony has several years of postdoctoral research experience in Australia and overseas with biochemical studies of bacteria and microalgae, including collaboration in the first phytoplankton genomes to be sequenced. After obtaining a Diploma of Education in 2004 Tony joined the education team at the Gene Technology Access Centre (GTAC) and is now the Deputy Director. Tony has developed and delivered educational programs for students and professional learning programs for teachers on the themes of cell and molecular biology, health and disease, ecology and evolution.
Items within this pack
Dr Sarah Jones, Xenia Pappas, Taylah Bennet, Ann Cathcart, Dr Amanda Clarke, Dr Tony Chiovitti, Adrianne Harrowfield, Susan Ryan
Dr Sarah Jones, Xenia Pappas, Taylah Bennet, Ann Cathcart, Dr Amanda Clarke, Dr Tony Chiovitti, Adrianne Harrowfield, Susan Ryan