Tried and trusted by teachers for over 25 years, New Century Maths 7-10 is a complete teaching and learning solution designed to support all students on their Maths learning journey.
These new editions have been expertly mapped to meet the requirements of the new NSW 7-10 Mathematics Syllabus, with a focus on evidence-based pedagogy and student differentiation.
New Century Maths includes engaging investigations and practical activities in every chapter. When it comes to teaching in the spirit, breadth and depth of the syllabus, New Century Maths is your formula for success.
This product includes Nelson MindTap. NMT products are not for individual use, they are for adoption, class set or book hire. Nelson MindTap is teacher-led courseware and requires an active course for access. This is a student activation code that can only be used to access a Nelson MindTap course as part of a school’s adoption. Please contact your learning consultant to discuss purchasing options.
1. Pythagoras’ theorem
2. Working with numbers
3. Algebra
4. Geometry
5. Area and volume
6. Fractions and percentages
7. Investigating data
8. Probability
9. Equations
10. Ratios and rates
11. Graphing linear equations
12. Extension: Similar figures and surface area
Judy Binns Judy Binns is an experienced author and former head of mathematics who has taught in urban and rural schools. She has an interest in motivating students with learning difficulties, with wide experience in teaching senior practical mathematics courses. With Sue Thomson, Judy has written for senior practical mathematics in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, and WA.
Gaspare Carrozza was head teacher at Homebush Boys High School and still teaches at that school. He has been involved in HSC marking and trial HSC exam writing, and also wrote worksheets for the Maths in Focus series for senior maths.
Explicitly mapped to the NESA 7-10 Mathematics Syllabus with syllabus grids and codes
Optional Extension work provide flexible pathways for high-achieving students
Years 9/10 Advanced editions for students heading towards Years 11-12 Advanced Maths courses: faster pace, less revision, more challenging topics
Exercises are colour-coded by difficulty level Foundation, Standard and Complex for student progression
Exercises are labelled for Problem-Solving, Reasoning and Communicating proficiencies so students develop deeper maths skills
Pre-Chapter SkillCheck exercises and online quizzes for students to check prerequisite knowledge for each topic
Post-chapter Power Plus Extension exercises give students an opportunity to test their knowledge of more difficult concepts