Senior Chinese Course: Chinese Language, Culture and Society is a two-year Chinese programme offered as a subject in the Victorian Certificate of
Education (VCE). It comprises a Textbook, two Workbooks, and a Teacher’s Book. The Textbook is organised into four units, which relate closely to
the strand of Chinese culture and society prescribed in the VCE study design. A wide range of topics are covered in the units, such as the Chinese
concept of family, Chinese naming and identity, education system, Chinese myths and legends, Chinese philosophy, literature and the arts, Chinese
rituals and manners, Feng Shui, Chinese way of leisure and entertainment, Chinese business culture and etiquette, social values, teenagers and
youth issues, and China and the world. Through these topics, students will gain comprehensive knowledge and understanding of both traditional
and contemporary Chinese culture and society, in addition to their pursuit of Chinese language learning.
The Textbook is complemented by two Workbooks and a Teacher’s B ook. The Workbooks provide practices for students to reinforce what has
been taught in class and to extend their learning on topics of interest. Workbook 1 covers topics in Units 1 and 2; Workbook 2 covers topics in Units
3 and 4. The Teacher’s Book offers useful instructors’ resources, such as suggested activities for each topic and additional materials to facilitate
students’ understanding of the topics covered in class and for further study of these topics beyond the classroom. It is available as an e-book for
free download from http://emarketing.cengageasia.com/scc_clcs.
Senior Chinese Course: Chinese Language, Culture and Society is suitable for any course in relation to Chinese cultural studies or Chinese
language learning.
Jixing Xu is President of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria, Australia. He is also Head of Chinese at Scotch College, Victoria, Australia.
Wei Ha is Vice-President of the Chinese Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria, Australia. He is also Head of Chinese at Camberwell Grammar School, Victoria, Australia.