The Power of Poetry is a highly valuable poetry reference book for secondary students. It teaches skill development and explores poetry under broad themes, ideas and feelings.
The new edition focuses on students as creators of poetry and exposes them to a wide variety of poetic techniques and forms. In line with recent developments in English curricula across Australia, The Power of Poetry includes activities in critical and visual literacy and multiple intelligences.
The activities are geared towards years 7-10 students, but are also suitable for senior students.
A complimentary CD–ROM containing many of the images in the book is available to schools who booklist or purchase class sets of The Power of Poetry. To receive your free copy,
please email your request to your state Sales Representative.
New to this Edition:
• A profile of the poet Steven Herrick and his works
• New published poetry including modern song lyrics
• A stronger emphasis on critical thinking skills
• More synthesis and evaluation-style questions
• A new emphasis on visual literacy
• A glossary of poetic terms
• A stunning new text design.
1 What is poetry?
2 Poetic techniques
3 Pictures and poetry
4 Forms of poetry
5 Themes in poetry
6 Study of a poet: Steven Herrick
7 Analysing poetry
Striking visuals
Traditional and contemporary poems of all kinds
Exploration of emotions, ideas and issues
Skill development: interpretive, analytical, empathetic and creative
Varied activities for individuals, pairs, groups and the whole class
An in-depth profile of Steven Herrick- winner of the NSW Premier's Literary Award (Ethel Turner Award for Young Adult Literature, 2005).