Rob Malpeli is based at The Knox School, Victoria. Rob works across multiple schools throughout Victoria, but also other states and he has been a leading light in senior physical education for over 30 years. His texts and resources are used in Victoria, NSW, Queensland, Western Australia, and New Zealand.
Professor Amanda Telford (PhD) is a teacher and researcher in health and physical education, wellbeing, physical activity and educational leadership within the National School of Education, Faculty of Education and Arts at ACU. Amanda has over two decades experience in senior learning and teaching leadership roles as a former secondary teacher and academic across four universities including: Associate Dean Education (Learning & Teaching) Deputy Head of School (Learning & Teaching), Interim Associate Dean (Partnerships), Course Co-ordinator for the Master of Education and Director/program manager of Health and Physical Education teacher education degrees. Amanda is a multi- award-winning teacher, researcher and author, she has co-authored over 100 learning and teaching publications including over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles and over 50 textbooks and book chapters used nationally and internationally at secondary and tertiary level. Amanda’s has collaborated on more than 45 research projects (over 3 million dollars of grants) with a learning and teaching, physical activity and/or wellbeing focus. As a Cofounder and Codirector of Peak Phys Ed with Rob Malpeli Amanda has been the Conference director of the Discovery Health and Physical Education Conferences since 2009 supporting thousands of teachers nationally.