Chapter 1: Energy
1.1 Potential energy
1.2 Investigating kinetic energy
1.3 Work done and energy transfer
1.4 Understanding power
1.5 Specific heat capacity
1.6 Required practical: Investigating specific heat capacity
1.7 Dissipation of energy
1.8 Energy efficiency
1.9 Using energy resources
1.10 Global energy supplies
1.11 Key concept: Energy transfer
1.12 Maths skills: Calculations using significant figures
1.13 Maths skills: Handling data
Chapter 2 Electricity
2.1 Electric current
2.2 Series and parallel circuits
2.3 Investigating circuits
2.4 Circuit components
2.5 Required practical: Use circuit diagrams to set up and check appropriate circuits to investigate the factors affecting the resistance of electrical circuits, including the length of a wire at constant temperature and combinations of resistors in series and parallel
2.6 Control circuits
2.7 Electricity in the home
2.8 Transmitting electricity
2.9 Power and energy transfers
2.10 Calculating power
2.11 Key concept: What’s the difference between potential difference and current?
2.12 Maths Skills: Using formulae and understanding graphs
Chapter 3: Particle model of matter
3.1 Density
3.2 Required practical: To investigate the densities of regular and irregular solid objects and liquids
3.3 Changes of state
3.4 Internal energy
3.5 Specific heat capacity
3.6 Latent heat
3.7 Particle motion in gases
3.8 Key concept: Particle model and changes of state
3.9 Maths skills: Drawing and interpreting graphs
Chapter 4: Atomic structure
4.1 Atomic structure
4.2 Radioactive decay
4.3 Properties of radiation and its hazards
4.4 Nuclear equations
4.5 Radioactive half-life
4.6 Irradiation
4.7 Key concept: Developing ideas for the structure of the atom
4.8 Maths skills: Using ratios and proportional reasoning
Chapter 5: Forces
5.1 Forces
5.2 Speed
5.3 Acceleration
5.4 Velocity-time graphs
5.5 Heavy or massive?
5.6 Resultant forces
5.7 Forces and acceleration
5.8 Required practical: Investigating the acceleration of an object
5.9 Newton’s third law
5.10 Momentum
5.11 Keeping safe on the road
5.12 Forces and energy in springs
5.13 Required practical: Investigate the relationship between force and the extension of a spring
5.14 Key concept: Forces and acceleration
5.15 Maths skills: Making estimates of calculations
Chapter 6: Waves
6.1 Describing waves
6.2 Transverse and longitudinal waves
6.3 Key concept: Transferring energy or information by waves
6.4 Measuring wave speeds
6.5 Required practical: Measuring the wavelength, frequency and speed of waves in a ripple tank and waves in a solid
6.6 Reflection and refraction of waves
6.7 The electromagnetic spectrum
6.8 Reflection, refraction and wave fronts
6.9 Gamma rays and X-rays
6.10 Ultraviolet and infrared radiation
6.11 Required practical: Investigate how the amount of infrared radiation absorbed or radiated by a surface depends on the nature of that surface
6.12 Microwaves
6.13 Radio and microwave communication
6.14 Maths skills: Using and rearranging equations
Chapter 7: Electromagnetism
7.1 Magnetism and magnetic forces
7.2 Compasses and magnetic fields
7.3 The magnetic effect of a solenoid
7.4 Calculating the force on a conductor
7.5 Electric motors
7.6 Key concept: The link between electricity and magnetism
7.7 Maths skills: Rearranging equations
Appendix – Circuits
Appendix – Equations
Each spread starts with lower-level language and ideas before increasing in complexity.
Key concept spreads highlight important information.
Dedicated pages on analysing, interpreting and evaluating all the required assessment practicals.
Maths activities at the appropriate level embedded throughout.
Differentiated questions, worked examples and numerous opportunities to practice.
Foundation and higher-tier content throughout (higher-tier content clearly flagged).