Chapter 1: Number
Chapter 2: Time
Chapter 3: Fractions
Chapter 4: Decimal fractions
Chapter 5: Percentages
Chapter 6: Points, lines, angles and plane figures
Chapter 7: Algebra
Chapter 8: Solving linear equations
Chapter 9: Indices and surds
Chapter 10: Ratio, rate, scale and proportion
Chapter 11: Functions
Chapter 12: Non-linear functions
Chapter 13: Interest
Chapter 14: Measurement
Chapter 15: Right-angled triangles
Chapter 16: Earth geometry
Chapter 17: Data
Chapter 18: Probability
The text is written in chapters to cover the strands of: Number, Common and decimal fractions, Per cent, Algebra, Measurement, Plane shapes, Finance, Statistics, Probability and Function theory
The dictionary is an invaluable resource for all secondary school students who need to revisit summarised versions of skills previously learned, especially those who operate on a book hire system where they have no access to books of previous grades.
Examples of all basic mathematical procedures are given with hints to assist application
It includes contextual coverage of the use of scientific and graphic calculators