1 What is colonisation
2 Genocide
3 Protection
4 Assimilation
5 Integration and self-determination
Stolen generations
1 History of the stolen generations
2 Experience of the stolen generations
3 Effects of the stolen generations
4 Link-up
5 Lily’s story
Land rights
1 From self-sufficiency to self-determination
2 Early land rights
3 Turning points
4 Land rights legislation
5 Land rights success stories
1 The meaning of land
2 Pre-contact Aboriginal society: land and sea management
3 Pre-contact Aboriginal society: culture and kinship
4 Post-contact Aboriginal society: land and sea management
5 Post-contact Aboriginal society: culture and kinship
1 History of Aboriginal protests
2 1938 Day of Mourning
3 1965 Freedom Rides
4 1967 Referendum
5 1972 Tent Embassy
1 What is reconciliation?
2 Eight key issues
3 Reconciliation and citizenship
4 Reconciliation in action
Performing Arts
1 Pre-contact Aboriginal performing arts
2 Impact of invasion on Aboriginal cultural expression
3 Aboriginal music
4 Aboriginal dance
5 Aboriginal theatre
1 Indigenous owners of the land
2 Initial contact
3 Invaded, settled or conquered?
4 Aboriginal leaders: Pemulwuy and Bennelong
5 The frontier moves west
Please Explain
1 Many of them are no darker than me
2 Many of them are lazy
3 Aboriginal people get special treatment
4 There’s no point in dwelling on the past
5 Aboriginal people have no more connection to the land
1 Pre-contact Aboriginal health
2 Impact of colonisation on Aboriginal health
3 Statistics on Aboriginal health: the extent of disadvantage
4 Aboriginal and government initiatives to improve health
5 Social justice, self-determination & Aboriginal health
Cathie Burgess is a lecturer in Education and Professional Experience Coordinator at the Koori Centre, University of Sydney. She was a Secondary teacher for 23 years in inner-city Sydney.
Julie Myers is Deputy Principal of a school with a significant Aboriginal population. She has taught literacy, numeracy, special education and Aboriginal studies in Years 9–12 for many years and has extensive experience tutoring Aboriginal students.
Intended to help teachers and schools put an Aboriginal perspective into their curriculum, in line with the Australian Curriculum cross-curriculum dimensions for all subjects. Each topic/ booklet has:
Five chapters
Teachers’ notes and lesson ideas at the start of each chapter, followed by photocopiable activity sheets
Literacy strategies table
Know your facts quiz
Extended response
Essay-style questions
Syllabus indicators for Primary and Secondary use
Aboriginal community consultation
Primary source material.