1 What's the price?
2 The shape of our world
3 Measuring length and perimeter
4 It's better than average
5 On the surface
6 From paper to reality
7 Comparing data
8 Turn up the volume
9 So you've got the right angle
10 Investing money
11 Graphing lines
12 Simulating events
13 Scattering the data
14 Taking chances
15 Fitting the data
16 Borrowing money
Sue Thomson is a prolific and successful author with an interest in language development, financial literacy and making mathematics accessible to all. She is an experienced educational leader, examination writer and curriculum writer. Sue has written many successful series for Queensland, NSW, Victoria, and WA, including the Access to Prevocational Mathematics series.
Judy Binns Judy Binns is an experienced author and former head of mathematics who has taught in urban and rural schools. She has an interest in motivating students with learning difficulties, with wide experience in teaching senior practical mathematics courses. With Sue Thomson, Judy has written for senior practical mathematics in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, and WA.
Investigations and Practical Activities explore the syllabus in detail through group work, discovery and modelling activities.
Keyword Activities focus on the mathematical language and terminology learned in the chapter.