1 Associations Between Variables
2 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
3 Time Series
4 Measuring and Explaining Associations
5 Analysing Time Series Data
6 Earth Geometry and Time Zones
7 Investments and Loans
8 Networks, Paths and Trees
9 Annuities and Perpetuities
10 Networks, Projects and Assignments
Ross Brodie has worked as a classroom teacher and Mathematics Head of Department at a number of regional and metropolitan secondary schools. He has taught Mathematics at all levels from years 8 to12. Ross brings a wide range of experience from education and other sectors to the writing of Mathematics textbooks – something he has been doing for over twenty years. Ross has significant experience and an ongoing interest in improving the school-to-work transition for secondary students.
Stephen Swift has taught Mathematics, Science and Computing in urban and regional schools, and was Head of Mathematics at Wellington Point. State High School. He was the lead author of Nelson QMaths 7–10, Nelson QMaths 11–12 and Nelson Senior Maths 11–12 (Australian Curriculum).
Regina Edwards teaches mathematics and science at Cleveland District State High School where she coordinates International Baccalaureate High Level Mathematics and Physics. She was a district panellist for Mathematics C and Physics, and has worked in the Information Technology industry as an analyst.
Graded exercises feature Problem Solving sections, including multiple-choice questions.
Includes Investigations and Technology sections, featuring Casio and Texas Instruments graphics calculator activities.
Chapter summaries and chapter review exercises.
Glossary/index at the end of the book.