Greg Neal has taught in regional schools for over 40 years and has co-written several senior textbooks for Cengage Nelson. He has been an examination assessor, presents at conferences and has expertise with CAS technology.
Sue Garner has taught VCE Mathematics at Ballarat Grammar School for over 30 years and lectured tertiary students in Mathematics Education. Sue has been a VCAA examination assessor for both Mathematical Methods and Specialist Mathematics and works for the VCAA in the role of Curriculum Manager for VCE Coursework. Sue has expertise in CAS technology and regularly presents workshops to teachers on the senior Mathematics classroom.
George Dimitriadis teaches at Montmorency Secondary College and has been teaching for over 30 years. He has written for Heinemann Maths Zone 7–10 and Pearson Mathematics 7–10.
Stephen Swift has taught Mathematics, Science and Computing in urban and regional schools, and was Head of Mathematics at Wellington Point. State High School. He was the lead author of Nelson QMaths 7–10, Nelson QMaths 11–12 and Nelson Senior Maths 11–12 (Australian Curriculum).
Features throughout designed to expose students to exam practice in every lesson.
Uses VCAA data to enable students to measure themselves against student performance data from past VCE exams.
Fully integrates cumulative practice and revision into students’ learning.
Explains VCE maths in a short and sharp student-friendly style, including expert learning advice and ‘exam hacks’.
Provides clear student-friendly explanations and exam-targeted worked examples.
The workbook contains matched examples that pair with each of the worked examples in the student book. This extra level will build students procedural fluency, equipping them to succeed in their exams.
Matched examples in the workbook consist of a question, a step column with instructions and a working column for student to complete the answer.