1 Advertisement
2 Biography (historical recount)
3 Blog
4 Brochure/flyer
5 Debate
6 Description: factual/imaginative
7 Email
8 Essay: persuasive
9 Editorial
10 Explanation
11 Information report
12 Infographic
13 Interview
14 Letter to the editor (formal letter)
15 Narrative
16 News article
17 Novel: aspects and analysis
18 Novel: essay
19 Podcast
20 Poetry: cinquain, haiku and limerick
21 Poetry: free verse
22 Poetry: analysis
23 Poster
24 PowerPoint presentation
25 Procedure
26 Recount
27 Review: book
28 Review: play
29 Script: film
30 Script: play
31 Survey
32 Twitter
33 Wiki