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Find everything you need for teaching Modern Languages, Australia-wide with a focus on maximising students' learning achievements

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Our selection of language resources cater to all students with targeted and engaging content
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Provide students with multiple entry points to practice and consolidate their Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking skills

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Strengthen students' understanding of language, culture, and communication processes

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Offer teachers a mix of print, digital and blended resources to suit any classroom



Tapis Volant

Year 7 - 10

Tapis Volant student books have a strong emphasis on intercultural learning and the straightforward communicative methodology, adaptable to any type of classroom.

Explore the series


Tapis Volant Year 7-10

Tapis Volant 1

Student Book

Tapis Volant 1


Tapis Volant 2

Student Book

Tapis Volant 2



Tapis Volant Senior Workbook

Year 11 and 12

The new Tapis Volant Senior Workbook is a fully revised second edition of this market-leading French series. Now consisting of a single volume, Tapis Volant Senior maintains all the texts, activities and references necessary for student success.

Learn More

Tapis Volant Senior Workbook Year 11-12


French Study Notes and Practice Exams

A+ French Study Notes and Practice Exams is written by a team of highly experienced authors and teachers and is the complete revision and exam preparation companion to help you prepare for the end-of-year VCE French oral and written exams.

Learn More

A+ VCE French Study Notes and Practice Exams

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