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Jun 11, 2024 04:30 PM
Have you caught up with the changes to the QCE Maths Methods syllabus that will be implemented for Units 1&2 in 2025?
If you haven't, don't panic. Nelson Maths author Anna Wethereld and series publisher Robert Yen will take you through what's new and what's changed about the revised Maths Methods course.
Learn about how the Nelson Maths 11-12 series is designed to support you and prepare your students for external assessment. Take a deep dive into the Nelson Maths series instructional design of the student books and online support, backed by Science of Learning research principles.
Jun 13, 2024 04:30 PM
Have you caught up with the changes to the QCE Essential Maths General Senior Syllabus 2025 v1.0 that will be that will be implemented for Units 1&2 in 2025?
If you haven't, don't panic. Nelson Maths authors Judy Binns and Sue Thomson, joined by and series publisher Robert Yen, will take you through what's new and what's changed about the revised Essential Maths course.
Jun 18, 2024 04:30 PM
Have you caught up with the changes to the QCE General Maths General Senior Syllabus 2025 v1.0 that will be implemented that will be implemented for Units 1&2 in 2025?
If you haven't, don't panic. Nelson Maths author Anna Wethereld and series publisher Robert Yen, will take you through what's new and what's changed about the revised General Maths course.