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Welcome to Library Lowdown, your go-to resource for new Nelson Cengage product information. 

We know librarians are the heart of the school. They’re the ones who organise, disseminate and coordinate the information that keeps the teachers and staff functioning. That’s why we’ve created an eNewsletter and webpage specifically dedicated to you, the librarians! In our quarterly newsletter and regularly updated webpage, you’ll find new product information, an archive of all previous Library Lowdown eNewsletters, as well as the latest Nelson Cengage product catalogues.  We hope compiling this information makes your job easier, and if there’s anything else we can do for you, don’t hesitate to contact one of our local education consultants via the form at the bottom of this page. 

Thank you and enjoy!

Featured titles

Centre Stage

Let’s do drama! Centre Stage is a two-year drama for middle secondary students. Through creativity and development of ideas, students will deepen their appreciation of drama and explore different ways they can perform and evaluate drama.

Find out more here.

Art Detective

The third edition of Art Detective comes to you with updated activities, images and topics. It includes a wide range of Australian, indigenous and contemporary artists and their art practices. Along with the traditional topics of art appreciation and interpretation, it also focuses on students creating and presenting their own artwork.

Click here for more information