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Informed by learning design, Nelson Maths 7-10 Queensland is a new series for the Australian Curriculum that supports all teachers and students by a focusing on differentiation and pedagogy that goes beyond theory and exercises.
Nelson MindTap is an online learning space that puts you at the centre.
Nelson Maths Queensland Nelson MindTap gives you access to an etext with integrated interactives and online assessment.
It is available as blended print/digital product or as digital only. Multiple access options are available, including LMS integration, so you can choose what works best for your school.
Rashmi Bhagwati teaches at a high school in southeast Brisbane and has been a mathematics educator for over 20 years. She has been involved in external exam marking and assessment processes, and was a panellist for Mathematics A (senior General Mathematics). Rashmi wrote topic tests for the Nelson Senior Maths Essential Mathematics series for Queensland and WA.
Rachel Theunissen is Head of Mathematics at Lesmurdie Senior High School in Perth, where she is also leads the Literacy and Numeracy team. She is a Curriculum Support Teacher with the Department of Education and a volunteer of MAWA and the Australian Mathematics Trust (AMT). Rachel has been teaching for over 25 years and presents regularly at conferences on mathematics and problem solving.
Judy Binns was head teacher of mathematics at Mulwaree High School in Goulburn, NSW. She has an interest in motivating students with learning difficulties and wide experience in teaching senior practical mathematics courses.
Gaspare Carrozza was head teacher of mathematics at Homebush Boys High School in Sydney. He has conducted training workshops in both mathematics and computing.
Klaas Bootsma was head teacher of mathematics at Ambarvale High School in Sydney.
David Badger was principal of Toongabbie Christian School in Sydney.
Sarah Hamper is head teacher of mathematics at Cheltenham Girls High School in Sydney, and has an interest in gifted and talented (GAT) students and girls education.
Series editor Robert Yen taught at Hurlstone Agricultural High School in Sydney and works for Cengage as the mathematics publisher.
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