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The QCAA (Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority) Senior English syllabi have undergone significant transformation with a more high-definition approach and new assessment requirements. The QCAA syllabus changes will require school program redesign across all Senior English subjects, impacting text choice and assessment task planning. To support teachers with implementing the changes, Nelson Cengage, along with experienced Queensland authors, have developed three brand new resources written to exactly match the Queensland Senior English syllabi. Regardless of whether you are tackling QCAA Senior General English or Essential English in your classroom, we have you covered with complete resources for each!
Key points to note about the QCAA Senior General English syllabus
Key points to note about the QCAA Senior Essential English syllabus
What are Nelson Cengage doing to address these changes?
*Assessment guidance is only available for Nelson English for QCE.
Meet our experienced Queensland authors:
Nelson English for QCE Units 1 & 2 and 3 & 4
Nelson Essential English for QCE Units 1–4
The Units 1 & 2 book provides opportunities for students to engage with and respond to a variety of classical and contemporary literary and non-literary texts, together with a thorough grounding in the background knowledge and types of assessment they will encounter throughout the course. See more here.
Part one of the Units 3 & 4 book provides 22 study guides to texts on the prescribed text list, including all eight external assessment texts. Part two offers four additional in-depth studies, which can be worked through in full or used as a model when studying others, and detailed content to further prepare students for assessment. Click here for more.
Featuring Sonny's familiar student-centred approach and a breadth of accessible literary and non-literary texts, Nelson Essential English for QCE Units 1–4 is appealing and relevant to the student cohort. The student book covers the new syllabus in full, as well as providing context for learning and building on the 21st Century skills of communication, collaboration and teamwork, critical thinking, personal and social skills and ICT skills.
Click here for more information.
Written for the new QCE Senior English Syllabus and feature all four units described in the syllabus – Perspectives and Texts, Texts and Culture, Textual Connections, and Close Study of Literary Texts.
Highly regarded English Communication author Sonja Goss’ student-centred approach features in this new textbook for the Essential English Syllabus. All four units are included to match the syllabus – language that works, texts and human experiences, language that influences and representations and popular culture texts