NCM 11 Student CD-ROM weblinks
New Century Maths 11 General Mathematics Preliminary Course
Chapter 1: Collecting and presenting data
All URLs were checked at time of student book publication. The publisher cannot vouch for the ongoing currency of these URLs.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ homepage.
Sydney’s weather, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology provides current and historical weather data. Information on other cities and states can also be found on this site.
Cricket statistics
The Australian HowSTAT website has up-to-date cricket statistics from around the world.
Rugby statistics collects international Rugby Union data.
Chapter 2: Algebra and equations
Not Applicable
Chapter 3: Similar figures and trigonometry
Not Applicable
Chapter 4: Earning money and taxation
Not Applicable
Chapter 5: Probability
All URLs were checked at time of student book publication. The publisher cannot vouch for the ongoing currency of these URLs.
Classify objects in Venn diagrams
This interactive activity from also contains further information on Venn diagrams in the tabs “Learner” and “Instructor”.
Emphasises gambling and paradoxes explains many of the concepts of probability using real-world examples.
Chapter 6: Measurement
Not Applicable
Chapter 7: Linear functions
All URLs were checked at time of student book publication. The publisher cannot vouch for the ongoing currency of these URLs.
TLF: Graphing: line of best fit L1430
Use this learning object from The Le@rning Federation to plot data, estimate the line of best fit and check estimates.
Change variables and see the effect
This interactive activity from also contains further information on slopes and intercepts in the tabs “Learner” and “Instructor”.
Chapter 8: Analysing data
All URLs were checked at time of student book publication. The publisher cannot vouch for the ongoing currency of these URLs.
Data sources
Australian Bureau of Statistics
The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ homepage.
Sydney’s weather, Australian Bureau of Meteorology
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology provides current and historical weather data. Information on other cities and states can also be found on this site.
Cricket statistics
The Australian HowSTAT website has up-to-date cricket statistics from around the world.
Rugby statistics collects international Rugby Union data.
Box plots
Create a box plot
A tool to summarise data using a box plot graph from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and Utah State University.
TLF: Stem-and-leaf graphs L5911
Enter your own data in this learning object from The Le@rning Federation to construct a stem-and-leaf graph, calculate the mean and identify the median and draw conclusions.
TLF: Matchbox machine: plot the variation L2339
Use this learning object from The Le@rning Federation to check whether a machine is packing most matchboxes with an acceptable number of matches using sampling methods.
TLF: Rice crisp machine: take a sample L2342
Use this learning object from The Le@rning Federation to take a sample, and make a boxplot.
Chapter 9: Area and volume
Not Applicable
Chapter 10: Investing money
All URLs were checked at time of student book publication. The publisher cannot vouch for the ongoing currency of these URLs.
Savings and interest
Saving calculator
Explore how savings can grow over time using this activity from the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives and Utah State University.
Compound interest calculations
Use this online calculator to investigate savings account earnings, credit card debt, and the stock market. is a website run by The National Council of Teacher of M