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Nelson Maths for Western Australia is a new series for the Australian Curriculum that supports all teachers and students by focusing on differentiation and utilising pedagogy that goes beyond theory and exercises.
Nelson Science for Western Australia equips teachers to create engaging learning pathways for all students. Written by an experienced team of science teachers and writers, this series is accessible, comprehensive and focuses on incrementally building up science skills for years 7–10.
The new Fit for Life: Health and Physical Education for the Australian Curriculum has been explicitly aligned with the revised Australian curriculum: Health and PE and brings a practical and inquiry-based approach to the subject.
The highly respected Human Perspectives ATAR series (Units 1 & 2 and 3 & 4, eighth editions) has been extensively updated to address all aspects of the SCSA Human Biology ATAR course. The series maintains all the features that teachers and students value, offering an engaging and visual approach to 21st-century teaching and learning.
Biology WA ATAR Units 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 uses an enquiry-based approach to enhance conceptual understanding and ability for students to apply their knowledge. The series meets the requirements of the Government of Western Australia, School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) Syllabus.
Nelson Senior Maths 11 and 12 Mathematics Essential has been revised and updated for the Western Australia Curriculum and the Australian Curriculum and now includes a wealth of digital resources on NelsonNet!
Written and updated to closely match the current WA Psychology syllabus, this series now includes chapter summaries and updated chapter review questions written in exam style. Each unit is divided into chapters based on the key areas of ‘Self and Others’.
Developed specifically for the English ATAR and General Western Australia courses, this series focuses on developing students’ analytical, creative and critical skills in thinking and communication, through a range of texts types. Learn more
Impact publishing titles are now available through Nelson Secondary, these titles are highly focused, in-depth resources for WA students and teachers with content written specifically for the WA ATAR and general courses. Explore all titles
Retaining all the original ‘Sadler’ features, this series has been revised to cover the Australian Curriculum: Senior Mathematics for WA. Clear, fully-worked examples will enable your students to learn Maths with ease and allow for a range of abilities in the classroom. Learn more
M: 0429 196 708 jean.love@cengage.com
M: 0421 662 395 glenn.watson@cengage.com
M: 0429 196 708 donna.hamlyn@cengage.com